Thanks & Links

Thank You's
I would like to thank everyone in the Phoenix Western Line Dance Club for making this club and this website possible, none of it would have happened if it hadn't been for you. I would also like to thank everyone who gave me help in the site even the tips from friends were helpful and I hope the site had served its purpose. As I have said throughout the site:
please E-Mail me with any kind of feedback, all is welcome! A big thank you to everyone who has visited this site and Freeservers for hosting it for me *hugz* to you all!!!!!!

Everyone's favourite Line Dance Magazine: Linedancer
Those wonderful website hosts: Freeservers
Our favourite country music band: The John Douglas Band
Another fine dance club, and personal friend: The Western Wranglers Line Dance Club
The site we get most of our dances from: Kick It (John's dances are on there under "BJ the DJ UK")
Thanks again to everyone!

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