The Phoenix Western Line Dance Club

Welcome to the Phoenix Western Line Dance Club's website. On this site we hope to let you know a bit about us and what we do. Thanks for visiting!
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Home- This page.
About- Us A little about our club and a very breif hgistory of line dance.
Classes- Our class dates, times and prices.
Events- A few reviews of the events we, or some of us, have been to.
News- What interesting things have been happening recently.
Gallery- Some pictures of us and some friends at events and lessons.
Guest Book- Yet another way to get intouch with us!
Contact Us- Some different ways to contact us.
Thanks and Links- Thank-you's and some of our favourite links.

This is me, the webmistress, if you have any questions, comments, etc. please feel free to E-mail me. Thanks for visiting!


As you can tell I havn't updated much lately, sorry!! I'm going to try and update about once a week but, as I am still in school, I have quite a bit of coursework to do so please bear with me!
There have been a few updates recently, we have just done a display
(can't remember where it was, although it was in Dunmow...that helps!)
so there will be the reveiw of that soon. We have another display schedualed (date and place to be confirmed) and guess what... WE GOT NEW T-SHIRTS!!!!

Peace, Love, and Ryan Roxie my frineds!

© Nicole Younie 2002 normal conditions apply.